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Cover Letter

                During my four years at Baker College, I was provided with an invaluable amount of resources. From my Unreal Engine C++ and Blueprint course where we spent weeks building a survival shooter based in the arena of a group of Battle Mages. To my Unity C# Course where we explored Random Maze Generation, then created a gameplay experience branching off this idea.
               College has not been all fun and games, however; I also spent time honing my HTML and CSS knowledge which translated over to eventually constructing a Firm’s entire Intranet website from the ground up. The entire office was able to share in the excitement that was exploring and finding the secrets beneath a new firm website.

               I spend a lot of time at the office searching for patterns that lead to automating and improving performance across the office. From designing and implementing an automated process for retrieving and working files from the many clients. To building out long term scripting solutions which meet those clients standards while maintaining documentation in an organized fashion for current and future members of the OpEx team. I try to make sure the code is clean allowing for maintenance to be minimal as well as reducing downtime for updates. I am not a fan of Short-Hand scripting, and would rather take a few moment's to expand out the code to improve readability instead of simply "throwing it down" compressed into one line. 
               During the summer, I enjoy taking part in Game Jams. These short terms Jams allow an excellent opportunity to experiment with no negative effects. The only goal is to create something fun and enjoyable. While also seeing what my limits are and push them to the max. Now that College is over, I am excited to fill more of that now empty time with many more opportunities to better improve myself.
               I am looking forward to discovering the new adventures that life has in the works for me as I attempt to close the old chapters and begin new ones elsewhere. Hopefully in a position more aligning with my Programming and Development skills. Thank you for your time!
-Alan Sherlock

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